Mexico’s Economy

Aguascalientes seeks to expand growth opportunities

AGUASCALIENTE – The governor of Aguascalientes, Tere JimĂ©nez, held a meeting with the president of the Canada-United States-Mexico International Chamber…

20 June, 2023

Czech Republic, interested in investing in Aguascalientes

15 June, 2023

AGUASCALIENTES – In order to strengthen economic and commercial cooperation ties between Aguascalientes and the Czech Republic, Governor Tere JimĂ©nez…

Guanajuato signs trade agreement with Canada and Hong Kong

14 June, 2023

GUANAJUATO – In order to foster collaboration in areas of business development and promote the exchange of goods, COFOCE Guanajuato…

Michoacan seeks to consolidate investments in South Korea

1 June, 2023

SOUTH KOREA – As part of the strategy to take advantage of nearshoring, MichoacĂĄn authorities are defining a South Korean…

Mexican economy grows by 1% during 1Q

26 May, 2023

MEXICO – The Mexican economy registered a 1% growth in the first quarter of 2023, compared to the last quarter…

Mexico has investment announcements for US$48 billion

25 May, 2023

MEXICO – The Ministry of Economy detected that the private sector has made, during the current year, 117 investment announcements…

Private investment in SLP grows by 51%

19 May, 2023

SAN LUIS POTOSI – According to the Ministry of Economic Development (SEDECO), private investment in San Luis Potosi grew by…

Mexican economy grew by 0.4% in April: IOAE

18 May, 2023

MEXICO – Mexico’s economy grew by 0.4% in April since the 0.1% decrease observed in March, which represents the best…

Mexico, the country that would benefit the most from nearshoring

26 April, 2023

MEXICO – Mexico is the Latin American country best positioned to benefit from the effects of nearshoring, a trend that…

Christiana Riley is the new head of Santander North America

26 April, 2023

MEXICO – Santander North America will have the first woman to lead the business in Mexico and the United States….

Chihuahua is at the top in labor quality

31 March, 2023

CHIHUAHUA – At the end of 2022, Chihuahua led the nation in labor quality, while Mexico City, the largest economy…

Mexico is in the right place at the right time: Carlos Slim Domit

28 March, 2023

MEXICO CITY – The Chairman of the Board of Directors of AmĂ©rica MĂłvil and Grupo Carso, Carlos Slim Domit, highlighted…

Vietnam is interested in investing in Jalisco

27 March, 2023

JALISCO – Due to their interest in investing in Jalisco and taking advantage of the opportunities represented by nearshoring, a…

Queretaro boosts Canadian investment in the state

23 March, 2023

QUERETARO – The head of the Secretariat of Sustainable Development (SEDESU) of Queretaro, Marco Antonio Del Prete Tercero, participated in…

Mexico’s industrial production grows by 2.8% year-on-year in January

13 March, 2023

MEXICO – Mexico’s industrial production grew by 2.8% year-on-year in January, driven in particular by energy generation and supply, the…

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