
Statistics Issue 51

23 May, 2011

The Knowledge Report No 51

23 May, 2011

  Mexico’s Industrial Real Estate Market Overview

Central Zone – Issue 51

23 May, 2011

++nissan++ Nissan will increase investments in Mexico Mexico City.- Nissan Mexicana is considering increasing its investments in Mexico, forecasted in…

South Zone – Issue 51

23 May, 2011

++veracruz++ API Veracruz installs solar power generation plant Mexico City,- Veracruz Integral Port Administration installed a solar power generation plant…

North Central Zone – Issue 51

23 May, 2011

++delphi++ Delphi invests in Juarez Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua,- After two years without any growth in Ciudad Juarez, Delphi announced a…

On Mexico Issue 51

23 May, 2011

Gerardo Villavicencio: “The company is planning to end the expansion of the electric engines plant located in Apodaca by next…

Mexico’s Evolving Network of Modern Interstate Roadways

23 May, 2011

  No country can have a first-rate economy without a first-rate infrastructure. In July 2007, President CalderĂłn launched the National…

Alfonso Garcia Robles, Nobel Laureate

23 May, 2011

“The proscription of nuclear weapons in Latin America, for the most part, is an enterprise in which Mexico has had…

MASTRETTA Mexico’s First Fully Designed and Built Sport Car

23 May, 2011

The most expensive component of producing an automovil is the development engineering. An entrepreneur in Mexico has managed to clear…

Mexico’s Auto Exports Soar

23 May, 2011

New Products and CompetitiveManufacturing Drive an Optimistic Outlook Mexico’s auto industry is on its way to achieve the country’s biggest…

FINSA – The Leading Company in the Development of Industrial Real Estate in Mexico with Over 55 Million sq. ft. of Developed Propieties

23 May, 2011

Finsa offers integral solutions for clients by listening and catering to their requirements from site selection, to design, engineering, and…

Mexican auto industry continues rebound

23 May, 2011

Dr. Eduardo Solis, AMIA – President Mexican auto industry continues rebound; more than 1 of every 2 vehicles sold in…

Auto Industry Rebounds in North America

23 May, 2011

GM and Ford made an important discovery in 2010: proft. In the fnal tally for 2010, these two auto manufacturers…

Agustin Rios – Mexico’s Auto Parts Manufacturers’ Association (INA) Executive President

23 May, 2011

  What was the performance of the auto parts industry in 2010? Mexico’s auto parts industry is in a clear…

New president of Mexico’s Maquiladora Association sees industry gains; urges government to step up efforts concerning competitiveness

23 May, 2011

Luis Aguirre recently took the helm as the president of CNIMME, Mexico’s national maquiladora industry. That put him in a…
