
Dale Carnegie’s renowned leadership workshop coming to El Paso 

Dale Carnegie, a leadership training provider, will offer a one-day workshop on How to Coach Employees to Maximum Achievement, a…

9 July, 2018

Here’s how US sales of Mexico-made vehicles ended up in June

9 July, 2018

June was a month of mixed results for vehicles manufactured in Mexico in the US market. On one hand, Audi…

Mexican aerospace sector growing with Foreign Investment

5 July, 2018

Mexico is the third destination that captures the most Foreign Direct Investment projects in the aerospace sector, after the United…

Promoting Baja California in New York

5 July, 2018

The Association of Economic and Industrial Development of Tijuana (DEITAC) is promoting the aerospace and medical devices sector of Baja…

Jalisco upholds technology investment

5 July, 2018

Jalisco will continue to attract both Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Mexican capital through high-tech companies, said the head of…

Asia Gets to the Next Level in Mexico

5 July, 2018

By Nancy J. Gonzalez Asian companies are trusting border cities like Tijuana, Mexicali, Juarez, Reynosa, and Matamoros to establish their…

Still no date to resume operations at Honda flooded plant

5 July, 2018

Works to resume operations at the Honda assembly plant in Celaya, Guanajuato are still under way, but a confirmed date…

Grupo Simec US$ 600 million steel plant is now fully operational in Tlaxcala

5 July, 2018

A new steel mill of Grupo Simec located in Apizaco, Tlaxcala in central Mexico, is now in full operation and…

CIE Automotive secures US$ 150 million financing for expansion plans in Mexico

5 July, 2018

CIE Automotive, a Spain-based industrial group specialized in metal and glass components and subassemblies for the automotive industry, announced it…


5 July, 2018

Jul – Aug 2018

Osram-Continental joint venture for automotive lighting is up and running

5 July, 2018

German manufacturer Continental announced that its joint venture with lighting solutions supplier Osram is up and running. Following the successful…

Daimler to provide fully electric Freightliner trucks to fleet owners for testing

5 July, 2018

Daimler Trucks officially announced the two first customers to operate the two new fully electric trucks from its U.S.-subsidiary Freightliner,…

This is how auto sales ended up in the NAFTA region during June

4 July, 2018

A healthy consumer confidence, fueled by a strong job and housing market, helped to offset growing gas prices leading to…

Sonora is Mining Hub for Silver and Gold

4 July, 2018

Mexico’s longstanding performance as a global leader in gold and silver production extends over centuries. Output from Mexico’s mining industry…

Airlines march onward with the Aviation Energy Reform

4 July, 2018

The repeal of the ninth transitory article of the Airport Law and Regulations, which gave exclusivity to Airports and Auxiliary…
