5 February, 2019

Toyota vehicle production in Mexico hikes 32% during 2018, official data shows

In 2018, Toyota built 1,935,230 vehicles at its North American vehicle assembly plants. Since 1986, Toyota’s total vehicle production in…

5 February, 2019

Here’s how sales of Mexico-made cars ended up in the US market during January

Unfortunately, last month Ford joined General Motors’ strategy of publishing its sales reports on a quarterly basis. Given that Ford…

5 February, 2019

BORDERNOW February 2019

4 February, 2019

Auto sales drop 1% in the US market during January

Despite a Government shutdown that lasted almost the entire month and severe weather in the Midwest that kept consumers away…

1 February, 2019

Railway blockades affect automotive logistics: Eduardo SolĂ­s

The automotive industry in Mexico has been affected in recent days by train tracks blockades from members of Section 18…

1 February, 2019

Employees from Coca-Cola bottling company went on strike

Employees from Arca Continental, the second largest Coca-Cola bottler in Latin America, declared themselves on work stoppage in Matamoros on…

1 February, 2019

Canaero announces its new president

Cámara Nacional de Aerotransportes (Canaero) held its 53rd Ordinary General Assembly, through which Alejandro Alonso Olivares was elected as the…

1 February, 2019

South Korean auto industry slides for third in a row, may soon fall behind Mexico

Auto production in South Korea fell for a third straight year after car giant Hyundai Motor moved assembly operations to…

1 February, 2019

Bulk containers manufacturer Monoflo International opens new plant in Guanajuato

Monoflo International Inc., a Virginia-based manufacturer of plastic pallets and bulk containers, has started manufacturing operations in LeĂłn, Guanajuato, Central…

Nissan celebrates 7 years of sustainable operations in Aguascalientes

1 February, 2019

Nissan Mexicana celebrated the seventh anniversary of integrating sustainable manufacturing operations at its Aguascalientes A1 plant, which have now resulted…

Trox Technik invest US$ 3.4 million to set up operations in Puebla

1 February, 2019

Trox Technik through its subsidiary Trox MĂ©xico will invest US$3.4 million to set up operations at the Vesta Park Puebla,…

Chocolate industry seeks to be reactivated in Mexico

31 January, 2019

AsociaciĂłn Nacional de Fabricantes de Chocolates, Dulces y Similares, A.C. (ASCHOCO) and its associates continue working to raise awareness about…

25 pipes are ready to transport fuel: Scania

31 January, 2019

The Scania company counts already with 25 tank trucks with a capacity of 60,000 liters ready to transport fuels. Enrique…

Querétaro’s Aeroclúster will carry out a trade mission to Brazil

31 January, 2019

A retinue from QuerĂ©taro’s AeroclĂşster will carry out a trade mission to Brazil next March to learn about the experience…

Mexico’s economy registered its lowest growth in 5 years

31 January, 2019

Mexican economy grew 2% during 2018, which was its lowest advance since 2013, with an increase of 2.4% regarding primary…

Harman International opens first phase of US$ 11.5-million engineering center in Queretaro

31 January, 2019

With an investment of US$ 11.5 million, Harman International, a Samsung subsidiary, inaugurated the first stage of its Advanced Manufacturing…

KIA aims for 10% sales growth in Mexico supported by financial arm, lease program

31 January, 2019

South Korean automaker KIA expects to sell 105,000 cars in Mexico during 2019, which is an increase of more than…

Tariffs on Canada, Mexico need to end, US manufacturers plead

31 January, 2019

A group of industry emissaries, which includes American automakers, aluminum producers, manufacturers and farmers, warned U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer…

2020 Toyota Yaris hatchback for the US market to be sourced from Guanajuato, says report

31 January, 2019

Current versions of the Toyota Yaris hatchback will be replaced in the U.S. market with the hatchback version of the…

Pemex’s low rating is not surprising at all: Secretaría de Hacienda

30 January, 2019

Undersecretary of SecretarĂ­a de Hacienda y CrĂ©dito PĂşblico, Arturo Herrera GutiĂ©rrez, expressed that the downgrade of Fitch’s rating to PetrĂłleos…
