31 May, 2016

Statistics Issue 81

31 May, 2016

The Knowledge Report No 81

Mexico’s Industrial Real Estate Market Overview

31 May, 2016

Mexico’s Auto Industry Roars

Electronics Disrupts Auto Sector By Sergio L. Ornelas, Editor MEXICONOWBlurred industries. Our recent visits to the two most important trade…

31 May, 2016

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Excerpt from the 2015-2016 World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report MEXICONOW Staff Report The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently published…

31 May, 2016

Customs and Infrastructure Challenge International Trade Logistics

By Graeme Stewart Logistics and infrastructure were two hot topics at the MexicoNOW’s Automotive Industry Summit held in Leon recently…

31 May, 2016

Imported Used Heavy Trucks Hurts Mexican Market

MEXICONOW Staff Report There have been some huge gains made in the production of heavy trucks and buses. In the…

31 May, 2016


Experts in the Automotive Cutting Room MEXICONOW Staff Report Lectra provides integrated technology solutions and associated services for industries using…

31 May, 2016

Innovate or Crash

The Rebirth of the Auto Gospel MEXICONOW Staff Report Like every other industry, the automotive sector relies heavily on Research…

31 May, 2016

Rail and Ports Cause Auto Companies Concern

Mazda’s Egawa Weigh in on Logistics Challenge By Graeme Stewart Logistics came under the spotlight at the recent MexicoNOW’s Auto…

Toyota is the Icing on the Cake of Japan’s Auto Investments in Mexico

31 May, 2016

Jun Umemura Cheers new US$1 Billion plant MEXICONOW Staff Report Mexico has always benefited from the Japanese motor companies that…

Ford’s CEO in Mexico Gabriel Lopez Warns of Congestion

31 May, 2016

IBM Seeks Part in Vehicle Automation MEXICONOW Staff Report One of the most eagerly awaited portions of the annual MexicoNOW’s…

Japan in Mexico

30 May, 2016

MEXICONOW Staff Report The Mexican automotive and auto parts industries are being considered as “strategic” for Japanese companies like Nissan,…

Jalisco to export 50% more avocado around the world

30 May, 2016

The market opening of the U.S. to the avocado grown in Jalisco, might increase local exports by 50%, escalating from…

Mexico and Europe re-negotiate Free Trade Agreement

30 May, 2016

Officers from both Mexico and the European Union (E.U.) will be meeting by mid-June for the first round of negotiations…

Arca looking to operate a Coca-Cola franchise in the U.S.

30 May, 2016

Arca Continental, the Mexican soft-drink bottling company, which is the second largest producer of Coca Cola in Latin America, has…

Milestone FDI will reach US$30 billion in 2016

30 May, 2016

The Minister of Economy, Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, calculated that FDI will be worth nearly US$30 billion by the end of…

Volaris, aereo-commercial leader in Mexico

27 May, 2016

Since the company directed by Enrique Beltranena entered the Mexican Stock Market, in September 2013, it has grown more than…

Airports, looking good to join the Mexican Stock Market

27 May, 2016

Mexican Airport groups are remarked as the sector with the greatest potential for profit in the Mexican Stock Market by…

Aerospace company Turbo Propulsores announced expansion in Queretaro

27 May, 2016

The State Governor, Francisco Dominguez Servien, was informed about the plans for expansion of the international company Industria de Turbo…

Project for renovation of SLP Airport was presented

27 May, 2016

Mexican North-Central Airport Group (OMA) disclosed the project to expand and remodel its Terminal Building, which will be starting construction…
