
Export manufacturing in Queretaro goes after local suppliers

QUERETARO – The logistics crisis, the increase in maritime costs to import from Asia, and delays in delivery times are…

Queretaro will start 2022 with 50 investment projects

QUERETARO – The portfolio of projects that are planning to be installed in the state is made up of 50…

Queretaro expects to receive 10 investment projects

QUERETARO – The portfolio of investment projects continues to grow in Queretaro, and 10 investments are expected to be announced…

Queretaro strengthens capabilities of aeronautical companies

QUERETARO – The Aerocluster of Queretaro, together with the Ministry of Sustainable Development (SEDESU), presented the project “Development and strengthening…

El Crisol invests US$14.7 million in Queretaro

QUERETARO – El Crisol, a Mexican company that has been operating in QuerĂ©taro for 21 years, laid the first stone…

Queretaro’s economic activity grows in second quarter

QUERETARO – According to the publication of the Quarterly Indicator of State Economic Activity (ITAEE) by the National Institute of…

TechOps to recruit 100 employees in Queretaro

QUERETARO – TechOps Mexico, an aircraft maintenance company, issued a call to recruit 100 employees at its Queretaro operations center….

Queretaro Airport expects to return to 2018 cargo levels

QUERETARO – As of September, the Intercontinental Airport of Queretaro (AIQ) accumulated more than 46,500 tons of cargo, which exceeds…

UL plans to open a new laboratory in Queretaro

QUERETARO – UL, a global leader in safety science, announced plans to open a new laboratory in Queretaro, Mexico, in…

UPA signs collaboration agreement with Universidad Aeronautica de Queretaro

AGUASCALIENTES – The Polytechnic University of Aguascalientes (UPA) and the Aeronautical University of Queretaro (UNAQ) signed a collaboration agreement with…

Queretaro is key for Safran

QUERETARO – The state is included in Safran’s development plans, an entity where the aerospace company has been operating for…

Guanajuato, Queretaro and Chihuahua are leaders in the automotive industry

MEXICO – The Mapping of high-tech suppliers by state in Mexico, published by the Automotive Directory platform, has revealed that…

QuerĂ©taro’s construction sector continues to grow

QUERETARO – During July, the production value of the construction industry in the state grew by 6.2% annually, maintaining nine…

Aerospace industry progresses at a slow pace

QUERETARO – After the decrease in activity in the aerospace industry due to the pandemic, the recovery process began this…

UPQ inaugurated automotive industry center

QUERETARO – The Universidad PolitĂ©cnica de QuerĂ©taro (UPQ) inaugurated its new Center for Learning and Professionalization of Automotive Talent (CAPTA),…
