COVID-19’s effect on Baja California’s aerospace industry could be minimal
BAJA CALIFORNIA — The impact on companies in the aerospace sector by the coronavirus is minimal, said the president of…
AEM and the NASA get ready for a mission to the moon
MEXICO — The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Mexican Space Agency (AEM) are coordinating a space project…
Puebla’s aerospace industry to be developed
PUEBLA — Eugenio Urrutia, vice-rector for Research and Postgraduate Studies at the Puebla Popular Autonomous University of the State (UPAEP),…
Mexican rocket FĂ©nix 1-2 was launched
CHARCAS — The Autonomous University of San Luis PotosĂ, through the Physics Institute, launched the FĂ©nix 1-2 aerospace rocket, as…
AFAC certifies Mexican H1 aircraft
MEXICO — The HalcĂłn 1 MSN 001 aircraft received the Certificate of Airworthiness from the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC),…
Brazilian airline Flapper arrives in Mexico
MEXICO — The Brazilian executive airline Flapper, will offer shared flights and charter flights in Mexico as of the second…
AFAC launches plan for the improvement of Mexican aviation
MEXICO —The head of the Federal Aviation Agency (AFAC), Rodrigo Vásquez Colmenares, presented his master plan, that is, the backbone…
PPT of Mexico gets ready for the First Latin American and Caribbean Space Meeting
MEXICO — The Presidency Pro Tempore (PPT) of Mexico in the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) 2020…
Hoffman Group invests US$11 million in Puebla
PUEBLA — Hoffmann Group consolidated an investment of US$11 million in Puebla thanks the operation of a new corporate office…
Mexican student carries out research stay at NASA
CALIFORNIA — Genaro Soto Valle, a nanotechnology student at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) conducted a research stay…
Dart Aerospace invests US$3.6 million in Chihuahua
CHIHUAHUA — With an investment of US$3.6 million, the Canadian company Dart Aerospace set out to have its facilities ready…
Queretaro’s aerospace industry stands out worldwide
QUERETARO — Queretaro is one of the states that stands out in the Mexican aerospace sector, placing itself as the…
IPN redesigns academic offer in order to support aviation industry
MEXICO — The Department of Aeronautical Engineering of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) is carrying out a renewal of its…
Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence arrives in Sonora
HERMOSILLO — Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence, world leader in sensors, software and autonomous solutions started operations in Hermosillo with the objective…
Mexican nanosatellite AztechSat-1 was launched into space
MEXICO — AztechSat-1, the first Mexican nanosatellite, was successfully put into orbit by astronauts from the International Space Station (EEI),…