Border News

Arizona restaurant industry introduces ‘Takeout Week’ to stem coronavirus losses

ARIZONA – With Arizona eateries restricted from operating dining rooms during the coronavirus outbreak, there is a big push by…

30 March, 2020

Texas hotel industry is getting hit hard by coronavirus pandemic

25 March, 2020

HOUSTON – Employees in the hotel industry are facing massive layoffs and furloughs in every state due to the impact…

Trump announces U.S.-Mexico border closure to stem spread of coronavirus

25 March, 2020

USA – The U.S.-Mexico border will be closed to nonessential travel to further help stem the spread of the novel…

Coahuila will present support for the restaurant industry

24 March, 2020

COAHUILA – Azucena Ramos Ramos, minister of Tourism of Coahuila, said that the Government of Coahuila will present several support…

Coparmex Sonora forecasts coronavirus industry impact

24 March, 2020

SONORA – As a result of the first case of coronavirus registered in the state and the measures implemented by…

Ciudad Juarez is looking to finalize supply projects with the U.S.

24 March, 2020

CIUDAD JUAREZ – The National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra) in Ciudad Juarez, will seek to achieve a bilateral…

The electric-vehicle industry is thriving in Southern California

17 March, 2020

CALIFORNIA – California is already a world leader in the embryonic electric vehicle industry but needs more government help to…

Texas tops nation in real estate construction

17 March, 2020

TEXAS – Commercial real estate construction and investment were higher in Texas last year than in any other state, generating…

Canada’s Senate approves USMCA trade deal

17 March, 2020

U.S.A – Canada’s Senate approved the new North American Trade agreement with Mexico and the United States (USMCA). Jesus Seade,…

Coronavirus might open a niche of opportunity to Mexico, says Cepal

17 March, 2020

MEXICO – The international crisis of the coronavirus has infected Mexican exports with uncertainty, particularly the automotive and food sectors….

Tampico is consolidated as a tourist destination

17 March, 2020

TAMPICO – The reconversion of the port of Tampico into a space for tourism development and cultural expression will give…

US$3.3 million will be invested in Ramos Arizpe

17 March, 2020

RAMOS ARIZPE – Ramos Arizpe will receive a total of US$3.3 million in three priority works this year, said the…

CFE invests US$35 million in Nuevo LeĂłn

17 March, 2020

NUEVO LEON – The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) began construction of the Regiomontano-San Roque Transmission Line to expand the electricity…

US$18 million was invested in PesquerĂ­a

2 March, 2020

PESQUERĂŤA – In order to take advantage of the industrial growth of the municipality of PesquerĂ­a, Nuevo LeĂłn, the real…

Coronavirus affects the industry in Sonora

2 March, 2020

SONORA – The industry in Sonora is one of the most affected in Mexico due to the coronavirus in China,…
