Nuevo León

Nuevo Leon registers record fall in the commerce sector in April

NUEVO LEON – As a consequence of the confinement caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the sales of the commercial sector…

Nuevo Leon would lose 115,000 jobs by the end of 2020

MONTERREY – The closure of hundreds of businesses in March, April, and May due to the Covid-19 pandemic caused the…

Construction companies resume works in Nuevo Leon

NUEVO LEON – With the restart of operations in the construction sector about 600 companies in Nuevo Leon returned to…

Nuevo Leon loses 63,151 jobs in May

NUEVO LEON – In May, employment in Nuevo Leon maintained a negative trend as a result of the measures adopted…

Housing prices in Nuevo Leon decrease

MONTERREY – The price of mortgage credit housing in the Monterrey metropolitan area, decreased 7.6% during the first quarter of…

Canaco Monterrey estimates holiday losses that amount to US$37.1 million

MONTERREY – The National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Monterrey reported that due to the business closure caused…

Nuevo Leon will emerge stronger from this situation, say experts

NUEVO LEON – Nuevo Leon’s government was not only one of the first to implement the strategy to combat the…

Caintra proposes the reactivation of the brewing and construction sectors

NUEVO LEON – The Caintra of Nuevo Leon urged the federal and state governments to open the economy as soon…

Monterrey to allocate US$1.8 million to MSMEs

MONTERREY – The mayor of Monterrey, Adrián de la Garza Santos, announced that they will allocate US$1.8 million of their…

Next Energy de Mexico will invest US$38 million in Nuevo León

NUEVO LEON – The Next Energy de Mexico is preparing the “Parque Solar La Palapa I” Project, located in the…

Nuevo León, Coahuila and Tamaulipas create economic plan

MEXICO – Governors Jaime Rodríguez from Nuevo León, Miguel Ángel Riquelme from Coahuila, and Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca from…

CFE invests US$35 million in Nuevo León

NUEVO LEON – The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) began construction of the Regiomontano-San Roque Transmission Line to expand the electricity…

US$18 million was invested in Pesquería

PESQUERÍA – In order to take advantage of the industrial growth of the municipality of Pesquería, Nuevo León, the real…
