Mexico’s Economy

Amazon to invest US$100 million in Mexico

MEXICO – Amazon invested US$100 million in the opening new warehouses in Mexico in an attempt to offer faster deliveries,…

23 October, 2020

Ministry of Economy has met with 125 foreign companies

18 October, 2020

MEXICO – To attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to the country, since August last year, the Ministry of Economy has…

Dos Bocas refinery will be inaugurated on July 1, 2022: AMLO

18 October, 2020

TABASCO –  From ParaĂ­so, Tabasco, President AndrĂ©s Manuel LĂłpez Obrador announced that the Dos Bocas refinery (which registers a 24%…

Switzerland has an interest in investing in Mexico

9 October, 2020

MEXICO – Switzerland seeks to add and not subtract, so even with the changes that the current administration has made…

Medical industry to create 85,000 jobs in Baja California

9 October, 2020

BAJA CALIFORNIA – The maquiladora industry of medical devices in the state of Baja California could close the year with…

Businessmen show greater confidence in Mexico’s economy

1 October, 2020

MEXICO – The expectations of entrepreneurs in manufacturing, construction and commerce improved regarding the future economic situation of the country…

Young people and women, the most affected by the pandemic: ILO

1 October, 2020

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labor market “hit rock bottom”, with Latin America and the Caribbean being…

The need for employment in MĂ©xico scales to historical levels

30 September, 2020

MEXICO – The pandemic aggravated the need for employment in our country to unprecedented magnitudes. The proportion of people requiring…

Advent International to invest US$ 2 billion in Latin America

30 September, 2020

BRAZIL – Private equity firm Advent International established a US$2 billion fund to invest in Latin American companies, being the…

MĂ©xico to pay for vaccines against COVID-19

30 September, 2020

MÉXICO – The head of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), Arturo Herrera, announced this Wednesday that this…

Tender for section 5 of the Mayan Train has been published

29 September, 2020

MEXICO –  The National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) plans to build section 5 of the Mayan Train…

Australia in Mexico

24 September, 2020

By Arturo Chretin The economy of Australia is a highly developed market economy. The Australian economy is dominated by its…

Mexico’s construction sector recovers 180,000 jobs

24 September, 2020

MEXICO –  Since the reactivation of the construction industry and in particular the housing sector, nearly 180,000 formal jobs have…

The Circular Economy Creates New Business Opportunities

23 September, 2020

By Iván Iglesias Jean Pierre Bou, head of the Delegation of the European Union in Mexico, affirms that the circular…

Who or what to blame?

22 September, 2020

By Carlos Palencia Analyst Mexico is in evident decline: -18.9% is the fall in real annualized GDP that INEGI recently…
